Monday, September 26, 2011

The devil is a sly old fox.

I would just like to take a moment to explain just how much I loathe the Devil. I have decided (to follow Jesus and) to make my hatred for the Devil so much more than just an emotion I feel whenever I know he is attacking me. From now on it is going to be a way of life. A constant and consistent fight that I will wake each morning pursuing. I was talking to my dad last night and he said something so profound (he stumbles upon these moments from time to time) and it really just realigned my thinking. I was complaining about some distractions (because really that is all these silly problems I have are) when he said "Casie, the devil knows your name. Rejoice in that" (I doubt he used those words exactly because that actually sounds nothing like him but you get the point...)

Rejoice in that. So today I am choosing to rejoice in the fact that Satan knows the name Casie Dane Ward and that he trembles when he hears it because MY GOD stands behind me. MY GOD speaks to me and I choose to listen and that terrifies the enemy. MY GOD delights in me and provides for me. MY GOD has given me incredible relationships with people who are going to help me attain His dreams. MY GOD has plans for me, amazing things that He is going to allow me to accomplish in His name and that pisses the Devil off. And I am choosing to REJOICE in that.

MY GOD will not allow silly distractions to disengage me from the things He has planned for HIS people. MY GOD will wake me up each morning reminding me that I AM HIS and there is nothing that this despicable antagonist can do to change that.


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