Steven Kent.
I am so undeserving of his love. He is such an incredible man of God. His strength and encouragement are inspiring to everyone that he comes in contact with. He is a daily reminder to never give up. Never say never. His work ethic is ridiculous; when he puts his mind to it it gets done. I don’t deserve the protection that he gives me. I don’t deserve the unconditional love and trust that he provides. I am so blessed that God gave me someone that will always fight for me and will never let me give up on myself. And on top of all of these incredible characteristics he makes me laugh when I am crying and he will go to great lengths to make me smile. He is my best friend and I know that he will ALWAYS be there for me.
Madison Page.
I have the most amazing sister that I could ever ask for. She is the only person that I can be 110% myself around and she is the only person who knows EVERYTHING about me. I am completely raw with her because I know that she needs it. For some reason even after all she knows about me she continues to call me her role model. Lord help her. She makes me laugh constantly and she doesn’t let me take myself too seriously. It is such a great feeling to know that you have someone that will always have your back even if you just spent 10 minutes screaming at each other.
Taylor Mercx.
Taylor is the person that I can tell exactly how I feel about everything. No matter how wrong my opinion is or what is coming out of my mouth she listens to me and doesn’t judge me. She loves me no matter what I do or say. She knows me so well that her opinion of me never changes. She trusts me with every part of her life and I trust her with every part of mine. She is the most transparent person that I have ever met and does not change her opinion or life in order to please those around her. She loves God so much even when she's not sure about all of the details. She doesn’t let me tear myself down even if I deserve correction in the situation. I love and miss her so incredibly much.
Niko is almost literally blood related to me. He fits in so well with my entire family that it is ridiculous. He is such an incredible man of God. A man after God’s own heart. One day he will be a preacher and will touch thousand of lives. He will negate that statement up and down but I know he is going to do great things. He lives a life above reproach and I know many people will question this but he realizes when he makes mistakes and then takes his consequences and moves onward. He is so protective of my family and I. I trust him with all of my secrets as well as my life. He doesn’t let me live a life that is unworthy of my God. I am so blessed to have him as a part of my family.
This kid. I respect him so much, he has no idea how much he means to Steven and I. He has no idea how incredible he is. He is so selfless and is constantly there for my family, even when he doesn’t have time or honestly doesn’t want to be. He always knows what to say and gives me the best advice even though he feels unworthy to give it. Plus he is insanely hilarious and witty. It’s really hard for me not to be jealous of his future wife. She is going to be an incredible woman and very blessed.
Kristen Luda.
Oh Luda. We have been through hell and back together. I literally have no idea what I would have done without her in my life. She is brilliant and makes me smile even through her own tears. I trust her probably more than any other friend I have. We can go weeks without talking and months without seeing each other and still pick up right where we left off. She is a forever friend. I will always love her.
Casey Ricker Ward.
My name stealer!!! I have no words for our relationship. She is my other half and I would never have survived the last three years with out her there. She is so full of joy and so peaceful. She is like home to me. I know that sounds super cheesy but it is so true. She brings comfort to my life and of course has the ability to make me laugh until I cry. I can’t wait until she has kids with Ryan and I get to be a godmother.
She is so incredibly beautiful inside and out. I am so glad that she is in my life. She was there for me on some of my worst days and I know that she always will be. Her heart is so huge and I can’t wait to see just how many lives she changes. I am so impressed by her ability to look past the crud in her life and see the God in everything. I am so blessed to be able to call her friend.
Sarah Michelle.
She is my person. The one that I can always go to crying and she always gives me a shoulder to lean on. We take care of each other because we understand each other. I am so blessed that God put me in an apartment with her for two years because I don’t know what I would have done without her.
My little sister. I love her so much and am SO proud of her. When I am around her my dreams come alive. I can talk to her for hours about all of the things that God wants me to do. She pushes me to dream bigger and let God have control of my life. She is going to do great things in the future and I’m super excited to be able to witness all of them.
She is the Lo to my LC. ha. We have so much fun together it is ridiculous. She will always listen to me complain. We have been through so much together and it is a miracle that we are still friends. ha. Our friendship is strong because we have been through so much. I am her for her always and I know that she would hop on a plane as soon as I asked her too. We have a lot of the same interests and I love having someone that I can talk to about fashion, art, and celebrity things. :)
I have no words for this girl. She is amazazing. I love her to death. She is so pure at heart. Her passion and energy are contagious. She honestly loves God more than any other person that I have met and loves people only a fraction of a bit smaller. I am truly going to miss watching her pour God's love into those around her.

Oh Jess. We have also been through quite a lot. She has changed so much over the short amount of time that I have known her and I am so proud of her. I love her to death. She makes me laugh so hard with her ridiculous stunts and is wise beyond her years. She gives everyone the benefit of a doubt and pushes those around her to do the same. The bond that she has with her family mimics mine and I am glad to have someone around who understands my closeness with mine.
Karissa Tuttle.
My Mom! She is one of the only people that I will let rub my back and play with my hair. She is so special to me and I don’t know where I would be with out her. He heart is incredibly huge and she loves God with all that she is. She is such an inspiration and her story is ridiculous. She is so strong yet she allows herself to be weak as well. She is always there for me and will drop everything just to talk to me. I don’t deserve her in my life.
I only wish we all lived so much closer. I am so truly blessed to have these incredible people in my life. I don’t know what I would do without them. They make me feel special. Thank you. I love you all so very much.
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