Monday, September 26, 2011

Letters from a Steven.

I can't begin to describe the faces I get when people find out that my best friend is my brother. It is almost never understood and very rarely is looked upon in approval. It bamboozles me. Why would you not want this kind of relationship with someone? It is so pure and raw; the epitome of the perfect friendship.

One of my favorite things about our relationships is how encouraging we are too each other. You can see God in our relationship and it makes me so happy. I have tons of letters, emails, texts that Steven has sent me over the past couple of years and I want to put some of my favorites here. He's known as the funny guy who loves football. People don't even realize how wise and inspirational he is. Not even he realizes how influential he can be. People follow him without even realizing it. It's amazing to watch. Here is proof of his serious side.

September 26 2011
You have so much potential to do great things. Have confidence in what God has given you and what he is going to give you. Figure out how to believe in yourself fully. You're beautiful inside and out. You have so many good qualities and you're way better than you think you are. Do not let your insecurities hold you back from what God wants to do in your life. Persevere when times are hard, never give up. When you want to quit don't. If people tell you you're not good enough or that you can't do something let that motivate you to push harder. God has a plan for you that is so much bigger than you would ever imagine and he is going to use you in ways you never thought. Times may seem hard right now but keep God first and everything is going to fall in to place.
I love you,

You are the best sister that anyone could ask for. I'm so glad that God has put you in my life. You have been a very big influence on the decisions I have made. You are a great woman of God. When I feel like I can't do something you encourage me to work hard to do it and I respect that so much. I am so blessed to have a sister like you that is so focused on putting God first. I have learned a lot of things from you. You are such a strong person you're a lot stronger than you think. You are beautiful. Don't ever think any different and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't let what other people think ever let you down because obviously they don't know how amazing you are. God has called you to great things. You will change the world one day. Trust in God.
I love you,

And my absolute favorite text he has sent me:

There was a lady at chapel this morning who was captured by terrorists for a year and she had to walk through the jungle from place to place with the terrorists and was barely fed. Just saying you could have it worse.

I never have to worry about hurting his feelings or him letting me down. He is always there. If I called at 3am and asked him to hop on a plane he would do it in a second. I can say anything that I want to him because he will never give up on me. I can do the most horrible thing possible and he's going to be by my side through the consequences. I never have to fear that I am using him because I probably am but he doesn't care. Even our fights are rewarding because we just put all of the junk on the table and then move on. If he's being selfish I tell him and if I'm being stupid you better believe he's going to let me know. Our opinions are so important to each other. He's not embarrassed to tell me he loves me in front of his friends and he's learned that if I come to him crying all he has to do is hug me (and I've learned he's probably going to get ridiculously mad at someone). He stands up for me when I'm right and he lets me know when I'm not.

I could go on and on. I'm very proud of my brother and the lengths we have taken to be as close as we are today.

I'm really glad God gave me Steven.

P.S. This went in a totally different direction than I intended it too. I'm sorry if I was just rambling. You'll forgive me though. :)

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